Today on the podcast, Sean discusses his recent visit to a preteen ministry in Indiana, where he led a leader training.
Sean recently visited Vicki Murello’s ministry in Indiana and was able to watch their service in action as well as do a leader training class for their volunteers. He brought back 5 great ideas from his trip that he wanted to share with everyone. The first one is “The Impossible Shot” and fun opening game for service. The second one is a U-Line store display with iridescent ribbon weaved through and an LED light shining on it. It was a great stage prop. The third was the lunch meeting with her group, which was held during their third service at the church. What a great idea, if it is ok with your Sr. Pastor to hold a meeting when everyone is already on campus. The fourth idea was her small group spaces, which were designed not just thrown together. Being intentional about your small group space is a great idea. The fifth idea was the way she did her teaching. It was very conversational as if she was talking with her friends, very relaxed. When she gave her examples, she used the leaders instead of the preteens. No unnecessary attention is drawn on a preteen this way.
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