For over a decade, Patrick and Samantha Snow and a team of talented folks from Missouri have held SuperStart! preteen weekend events around the United States! They have been SO HUGE for preteen ministry.
Listen to today’s podcast to hear three reasons why Sean thinks SuperStart! is a GREAT idea for his preteen ministry (and maybe yours, too), and hear about how God has used SuperStart! to beautifully benefit preteen ministry far beyond the weekend event.
Patrick Snow gets preteen ministry, and explains THE BIKE better than anybody we’ve ever heard explain it. Join him and Sean for a Webinar coming up on October 20th.
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Chris Santos, a ministry leader in Elevate, joins us on today’s podcast. It’s not the topic of today’s podcast, but last Wednesday in Elevate, Chris proposed to his girlfriend during our service. It was really cool. You can watch it here.
Today on the podcast, Chris joins Sean to talk about a volunteer development idea: “It’s better because you didn’t do it.”
Do you ever have a volunteer complete a task that you could have done better: Set up chairs, make slides, create a prop, teach the lesson, etc.? Listen to today’s podcast to find out why, in reality, it’s actually better because you DIDN’T do it.
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Have you ever gone through a week of ministry work and said, “Where did the week go?” Are you prone to wasting time or jumping from action item to action item without much prayer, organization, or thought?
On today’s podcast, Sean discusses a couple of tools to help you get organized. Here are two of them:
The Beautiful To Do list: Suru
A tool that combined to do lists, calendar, and e-mail: Handle
Without a Driving Purpose, however, we can be very productive, but not be doing what we should be doing. Driving Purpose is a GREAT PLACE to start any discussion on being a good steward of our time.
What kind of tools do you use to optimize your time and be a good steward of your time? Share with us.
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In a recent podcast, entitled “Folder of Encouragement”, we looked at the idea of receiving and keeping notes of encouragement for ourselves. Today, we flip that idea on its head!
Today’s podcast is short and simple and can summed up in one sentence: Write a note of encouragement to somebody on staff at your church. BAM!
A couple of announcements from today’s podcast:
Have a question about preteen ministry or a unique preteen ministry idea that we can feature on our podcast? Send it to Looking for a great community of preteen leaders that you can plug into? Join us at
Background music in today’s podcast is compliments of Purple Planet.
Sometimes, we can beat ourselves up over what happened on a Sunday morning or at an event, but what we really need is just a systematic and meaningful way to process (even when things go well).
See - there are really three services each Sunday:
When a service or event is over, is it over? Or do you process what’s happened in order to evaluate and plan future services and event. If so, how do you go about processing all the different ideas that are floating around in your mind?
Today on the podcast, we discuss a way of thinking about thinking. J The Six Thinking Hats by Edward de Bono gives you a way of understanding how to process and plan. This amazing strategy can be used by yourself or with volunteers.
In other news…
TODAY, September 22nd, is the Launchinar! Patrick Snow from Christ in Youth and Sean Sweet from FourFiveSix are leading this webinar and mentoring program! Don’t miss it!
The AWESOME preteen ministry event - SuperStart! - is coming to the Sacramento area this weekend, and it may be coming to your area. Just check the FourFiveSix Map to see what preteen ministry events are in your area. Also, you can add YOUR preteen ministry events to The Map.
Today on the podcast, we discuss an international event that your preteens can participate in: See You at the Pole. This isn’t just a youth ministry event! On this podcast, you’ll hear Sean share some his memories of powerful moments in preteen ministry that happened because of See You at the Pole.
Have a question about preteen ministry or a unique preteen ministry idea that we can feature on our podcast? Send it to Looking for a great community of preteen leaders that you can plug into? Join us at
Music during transition times in your service can be a great addition to any preteen ministry, even those that do not have a sound system (details about that are included in the podcast).
On today’s podcast, you’ll hear a HUGE idea that can make a big difference in SO MANY WAYS for the overall experience of your weekly preteen service. Here are a few of the benefits of music during transitions:
· Helps with behavior
· Helps to set tone and express expectation
· Creates a “warm” environment
· Introduces God-honoring music to preteens that they might want to buy for themselves
Mentioned in today’s podcast are several Christian artists:
· Guvna B
· FBJr.
· Matthew Parker
· Group1Crew
· Desperation Band
Have a question about preteen ministry or a unique preteen ministry idea that we can feature on our podcast? Send it to Looking for a great community of preteen leaders that you can plug into? Join us at
In today’s podcast, we want to convince you of two things:
· You should have a live band in your preteen ministry.
· You CAN have a live band in your preteen ministry.
NOT CONVINCED OF THESE TWO THINGS? Then today’s podcast is perfect for you. Find out why Sean thinks that a live band is “almost a necessary thing” for preteen ministry, and how you can make it a reality in your preteen ministry.
Ready to learn to play some music? Check out these links:
1. In this YouTube video, the instructor will teach you the four piano chords you need to play most worship songs:
2. In this YouTube video, the instructor will teach you the four guitar chords:
3. You can google “Chords for __________” and fill in the blank with the name of most worship songs to find what you are looking for.
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Today, Dayna Sweet shares an event idea that she lead last week: Girls’ Karaoke Night. This was a fun event for the girls, but was also a chance for them to learn a powerful truth about music.
Here you can find the testimony that Dayna gave about music during the event. The girls were completely silent as they intently listened to Dayna share this.
The schedule for the evening looked like this:
6:00-6:30 = Check in, song sign up, pizza, and praise dancing
6:30-6:55 = testimonies from two leaders
6:55-7:05 = snack, water break, song sing up
7:05-8:00 = Karaoke
8:00 = Dismissal, girls given a treat and a bookmark on their way out
Have a question about preteen ministry or a unique preteen ministry idea that we can feature on our podcast? Send it to Looking for a great community of preteen leaders that you can plug into? Join us at
Today’s idea is GOOD. With your help, it can become GREAT! Add you thoughts to improve this idea in the comment section of, or by e-mailing them to
Preteens love to experiment with making things that can express who they are or how they are feeling. A T-shirt can be a great outlet for any 4th, 5th, or 6th grade student.
On this podcast you’ll hear ideas of times WHEN preteens can make t-shirts. For example:
· At an event
· Leading up to an event
· VBS or Camp
· In response to a message
You’ll also hear HOW preteens can make their own t-shirts. For example:
· Tie-dye
· Sharpies and Alcohol
· Cyanotype
· Bleach Bottle
Now it’s your turn. Add your thoughts about WHEN and HOW preteens can create their own t-shirts!
Have a question about preteen ministry or a unique preteen ministry idea that we can feature on our podcast? Send it to Looking for a great community of preteen leaders that you can plug into? Join us at
Today, we offer 1 very simple idea: Ask preteens for THEIR great ideas. Sean discusses the trap that many of us fall into – to present ourselves as the ones with all the answers. In the same vein as the Giving Power podcast that we aired last week, the concept is to be humble enough to ask your preteens to share their concepts. You’ll never know what GREAT ideas you might get from them!
As a special bonus on today’s podcast, Sean asked his 5-, 8-, and 10-year olds for their great ideas for preteen ministry.
Have a question about preteen ministry or a unique preteen ministry idea that we can feature on our podcast? Send it to Looking for a great community of preteen leaders that you can plug into? Join us at
Today's podcast details two ideas related to promoting events or services or anything else:
Idea #1 = give the FULL picture of upcoming events, not just the parts of the event that you think will appeal to the preteens.
Idea #2 = put thought and resources behind promoting events. You spend time planning your events, but do you spend time planning how you’ll promote your events?
Have a question about preteen ministry or a unique preteen ministry idea that we can feature on our podcast? Send it to Looking for a great community of preteen leaders that you can plug into? Join us at
Today’s podcast is final episode of a six-part series with practical and general suggestions on how you can “Let Go of the Bike and Run Alongside”.
Here is an outline for this series:
· 1: Give choices
· 2: Give power
· 3: Ask questions
· 4: Listen to their questions
· 5: Make space for mistakes and unexpected happenings
· 6: Be prepared to confront doubt and misconceptions
On today’s episode, we’ll think about WHY preteen ministry leaders need to be prepared to confront doubt and misconceptions, and then HOW preteen ministry leaders can be prepared to confront doubt and misconceptions.
Have a question about preteen ministry or a unique preteen ministry idea that we can feature on our podcast? Send it to Looking for a great community of preteen leaders that you can plug into? Join us at
Today’s podcast is part five of a six-part series with practical and general suggestions on how you can “Let Go of the Bike and Run Alongside”.
Here is an outline for this series:
· 1: Give choices
· 2: Give power
· 3: Ask questions
· 4: Listen to their questions
· 5: Make space for mistakes and unexpected happenings
· 6: Be prepared to confront doubt and misconceptions
This episode is about a mindset that is necessary for people letting go of the bike. It’s something we have discussed before in “Tigers Welcome”. Successful preteen ministry requires leaders to be comfortable with wobbliness…because if we are letting go to a bike for the first time, we have to expect wobbly riders.
Do you have a story of a “wobbly rider” in your preteen ministry? Share your story below.
Have a question about preteen ministry or a unique preteen ministry idea that we can feature on our podcast? Send it to Looking for a great community of preteen leaders that you can plug into? Join us at
Today’s podcast is part four of a six-part series with practical and general suggestions on how you can “Let Go of the Bike and Run Alongside”.
Here is an outline for this series:
· 1: Give choices
· 2: Give power
· 3: Ask questions
· 4: Listen to their questions
· 5: Make space for mistakes and unexpected happenings
· 6: Be prepared to confront doubt and misconceptions
As an additional resource for today’s topic, check out the article written by J.C. Thompson entitled “Why – When Preteens Ask Questions”.
Have a question about preteen ministry or a unique preteen ministry idea that we can feature on our podcast? Send it to Looking for a great community of preteen leaders that you can plug into? Join us at
Today’s podcast is part three of a six-part series with practical and general suggestions on how you can “Let Go of the Bike and Run Alongside”.
Here is an outline for this series:
· 1: Give choices
· 2: Give power
· 3: Ask questions
· 4: Listen to their questions
· 5: Make space for mistakes and unexpected happenings
· 6: Be prepared to confront doubt and misconceptions
Have a question about preteen ministry or a unique preteen ministry idea that we can feature on our podcast? Send it to Looking for a great community of preteen leaders that you can plug into? Join us at
Today’s podcast is part two of a six-part series with practical and general suggestions on how you can “Let Go of the Bike and Run Alongside”.
Here is an outline for this series:
· 1: Give choices
· 2: Give power
· 3: Ask questions
· 4: Listen to their questions
· 5: Make space for mistakes and unexpected happenings
· 6: Be prepared to confront doubt and misconceptions
Have a question about preteen ministry or a unique preteen ministry idea that we can feature on our podcast? Send it to Looking for a great community of preteen leaders that you can plug into? Join us at
Today’s podcast is the beginning of a six-part series with practical and general suggestions on how you can “Let Go of the Bike and Run Alongside”.
Here is an outline for this series:
· 1: Give choices
· 2: Give power
· 3: Ask questions
· 4: Listen to their questions
· 5: Make space for mistakes and unexpected happenings
· 6: Be prepared to confront doubt and misconceptions
Mentioned in today’s podcast was “The Question of the Day”, which we discussed way back in the 6th episode of the FourFiveSix podcast.
Have a question about preteen ministry or a unique preteen ministry idea that we can feature on our podcast? Send it to Looking for a great community of preteen leaders that you can plug into? Join us at