Info Great Ideas for your Preteen Ministry

Looking for great (game, object lessons, worship, volunteer celebration, etc. etc.) ideas to take your preteen ministry to the next level? This podcast is created and curated by, a community of leading voices in preteen ministry. Our goal is simple: a short (4,5, or 6 minute) podcast a few times a week (4, 5, or 6 times) that gives you a quick, easy, free idea that you can use in your preteen ministry THIS WEEK. Have a question about preteen ministry or a unique preteen ministry idea that we can feature on our podcast? Send it to Want to get more great ideas right now? Come join the community of preteen leaders at
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Feb 25, 2016

If you like what you’re hearing, subscribe to the FourFiveSix podcast by clicking here and you’ll get great ideas for your preteen ministry four, five, or six times a week.

One of the first things people decide when planning a camp for their preteens is “What’s the theme going to be?”

Today, Sean talks about connecting the theme of your camp to both the activities and chapel messages. He also shares two of the four themes that Elevate Preteen Ministries uses in their summer camps in order to spark your own creativity.

We want to hear from you – what themes are you planning to have for camps this summer?

Like this? Check out: Checking in the Campers

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Feb 24, 2016

Here’s an idea that gives preteens power and choices in your ministry. It also give you a better idea of what’s going on in the minds of the preteens.

Get ready for ALL REQUEST MONTH.

Check out this podcast, where Sean breaks down this simple but highly effective way of involving and engaging students in their preteen ministry.

Like this? Check out this parent connection idea: Preteen Ministry in Small Children’s Ministries

Feb 23, 2016

Today we talk with Chip Henderson about how he helps preteens to connect the dots between what they are learning in school and God, who is behind it all.

Chip Henderson is the children and preteen pastor at a church in the Fresno, California area. Chip is one of the speakers for the 2016 Preteen Leaders’ “Onference”.

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Feb 22, 2016

Last April, we spent a month of blog posts talking about the how to take preservice to the next level.

Today, Sean talks to Jaime White, an amazing volunteer who has taken over the responsibility of planning and implementing pre-service for Elevate preteen ministry.

They talk about the value of making preservice “pop”, and how Jaime goes about putting together different activities for preservice each week.

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Feb 18, 2016

Check in for camp: it’s your opportunity to impress upon the campers and their parents that this is going to be a fun, organized, safe, and well thought out experience for everybody. Today on the podcast, Sean talks about the check-in process that his team has developed over 20+ years of leading summer camps.

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Feb 17, 2016

Who better to help the parents of preteens when it comes to a touchy topic like “sexual purity” than parents of former preteens who’ve discovered ways of successfully having these important conversations?

Today on the podcast, Sean talks about the benefits of something he’s been doing for 4 years – a parenting panel on purity.

Like this? Check out this parent connection idea: Student Created Action Plan

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Feb 16, 2016

Today we talk with Jake Morgan from Springfield about a very successful event his ministry puts on once a year to kick off the school year: the VIP Party!

Like this? Check out this event idea: Preteen Retreat

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Feb 15, 2016

We want the preteens in our ministry to go home and live differently as a result of the message they heard on Sunday morning. That’s why we are excited about this new concept – having the students create their own “Action Plan” at the conclusion of each service.

The preteens can do this in their small groups and write their action plan on a parent info card, which has other announcements and upcoming event details on it as well.

What a great idea: to combine a parent info card and a student action plan into one thing! Listen to today’s podcast to hear Sean talk about how this works in Elevate.

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Feb 11, 2016

If you are bringing your leaders to camp at the same time as the campers, they are not in the best position to lead (especially if the leader has never been to that particular camp before).

At Destiny Church’s Preteen Camp, the leaders go up the day before the campers do. This gives them a chance to receive some training, become settled in, pray for the camp, and build team cohesion before the campers even arrive.

Today on the podcast, Sean talks with Chris (Director of Camper Experience) about the many benefits of this strategy.

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Feb 10, 2016

Preteens have so many questions about life, God, Heaven, Hell, and everything in-between. Well-meaning leaders and teaching will try to help the preteens answer these questions themselves, or even direct them to some other source to find the answers.

However, when preteens ask questions, this is a GREAT opportunity to point them to The Truth of God’s Word.

Today on the podcast, Sean talks about the many benefits of pointing preteens to scripture when they ask questions, and talks about how he goes about doing this.

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Feb 9, 2016

Today we talk with Louie Schmitz from Oregon about the recent retreat he planned and led for the preteens of his church.

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Feb 8, 2016

Some preteens LOVE mud and can’t wait for an opportunity to just dive right in. Others don’t want to have anything to do with getting dirty (or at least they pretend that they don’t).

Elevate has had a “Mudlympics” twice, and both times it’s been a big hit with the preteens – even the ones who just want to watch their peers getting muddy.

“Mudlympics” can be used as a special event, or as part of a special service. It’s an outdoor event, but a little rain and a little cold might actually add to the event.

Check out all the details for putting on your own “Mudlympics” and download a PDF version of the event at

Feb 4, 2016

When campers first arrive at camp, many of their most basic questions need to be answered before they can fully engage in all the fun and deeply spiritual stuff that you have planned:

  • Am I safe?
  • Where will I sleep?
  • Who is my cabin leader?
  • What are the rules?
  • Is there a bathroom?

Because of this, at Destiny Christian Church’s summer camp, we take time to help the preteens settle in before doing anything else. Today on the podcast, Sean explains all about the opening routine when students arrive, which includes eating and settling in FIRST.

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Feb 3, 2016

Do the preteens in your ministry like to move? Unless their sedated, most preteens LOVE to move. It’s something biological.

Today on the podcast, Sean discusses The Dance Off, a planned and/or spontaneous activity that takes place in Elevate Preteen Ministries from time to time.

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Feb 2, 2016

By Sean Sweet

Most preteens love to play games. It’s how they can easily make friends. It’s how they learn. It’s how they deal with all the raging energy that’s coursing through their brains and bodies.

And today’s preteens (especially the boys) love to play games on the computer. Enter The Aetherlight.

Rather than explain what The Aetherlight is, let me place a little copy from their website ( and you tell me if you think this would be captivating to any of the preteens that you know:

“PLAY ONLINE WITH FRIENDS. Work together to uncover what happened to the Great Engineer. Fight in each other’s battles, share clues and tips to push back the fog in this role-playing adventure that puts you right in the middle of the Resistance’s fight for freedom.”

Wow! The preteen boy inside of me wants to jump out and join the Resistance right now.

Seriously, these guys get preteens. And I love what they’re doing, for 4 reasons:

#1. It’s completely focused on conveying Biblical truths.

The Aetherlight is not the product of somebody with a passion as a video game maker trying to answer the question: “How can we make the Bible into a game?”

The Aetherlight is the product of a group of people saying “How can we best reach preteens with the Bible?” As this group of people were trying to answer this question, Tim Cleary, a World Builder from The Aetherlight, says that somebody suggested: “Why don’t we make a game?”

#2. It involves the help of people who understand ministry and working with students in real life situations.

Before he was a World Builder for The Aetherlight, Tim Cleary was a youth pastor. This ministry-minded heart is obvious in the way The Aetherlight is presented. It’s clear from the way they produced a companion Bible that goes along with the game. It’s clear from the “Resistance Academy” that’s built into the game, which helps player to connect the dots between the game and the spiritual truths the game is presenting.

#3. It’s allegorical.

One of the most powerful ways of helping a preteen to understand abstract spiritual truths is by likening it to something more concrete.

Jesus was a great Likener (think of the parables). C.S. Lewis was a great Likener. And the team behind The Aetherlight are Likeners, too.

#4. It’s in a language that preteens connect with.

Like it says on “The”, kids don’t want to read the Bible. They want to experience it.

Just last week, I shared The Aetherlight with a 5th grade boy in our preteen ministry. That night, his mom posted a picture on Facebook of him checking it out, saying, “We are ordering this right now.”

Sometimes when I speaking to the preteens, I feel like I hit on something that catches their attention. You’ve probably had a few moments like this. For many of the kids in my ministry, an illustration using a Wii remote, or when we did Minecraft night last year, does it.

The Aetherlight is in the same language. It’s communicating the truths of scripture in a language preteens understand – a game.

I had a chance this past week to talk with Tim Cleary, World Builder from The Aetherlight. Check out the interview:

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Feb 1, 2016

Today Sean explains two simple games you can play that will involve everybody in your preteen ministry group. They are super simple to set up, super simple to explain, and super fun to play! Thank you to SuperStart! for inspiring these great ideas!

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Jan 28, 2016

If you like what you’re hearing, subscribe to the FourFiveSix podcast by clicking here and you’ll get great ideas for your preteen ministry four, five, or six times a week.

At Destiny Christian Church’s E-Camp, the cabin leaders get a 2 hour break from their cabins each morning. WHAT??? Yup – you heard that correctly. Here’s the schedule for the cabin leaders:

8:00-8:30 = Breakfast with Cabin Groups

8:30-9:00 = Cabin Clean Up/Campers’ Prepare for the Day

9:00-10:00 = Cabin Leaders Take a BREAK

10:00-11:00 = Cabin Leaders Meeting

So…what’s happening during that time with the campers? Listen to today’s podcast as Sean sits down with Seth (Activities Director) to talk about this 2 hour block of time which makes the rest of the day at camp go soooo much better!

Do you give your camp leaders a break? How do you do it? Tell us in the comment section below.

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Jan 27, 2016

All things were created for God’s glory:

“For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.” –Colossians 1:16 (ESV)

We can see God’s glory through each and every color that God created (visible and invisible). Today on the podcast, Sean talks about taking this concept and making it into a really fun and interactive 12-week series for your preteens.

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Jan 26, 2016

Sure – we can get preteens excited about filling a jar with money to give to missions’ work around the world…just tell them whoever fills their jar the quickest will get a prize. BUT this is lacking something, isn’t it?

It’s the heart of compassion that we want to develop, not just the act of giving money to those in need.

If you’ve ever felt frustrated trying to get preteens to care about people in far away places, Morgan McKeown totally understands.

Morgan is working on a solution – and it’s a GREAT one. Listen to today’s inspirational podcast, and you’ll hear about Morgan’s “Orphan for a Day” project, which is still in the development phase.

On the podcast, you’ll hear Morgan’s heart behind the project. Then you can head over to, and see how you can get involved.

This is a great idea! Thank you, Morgan.

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Jan 25, 2016

Some games can help to build the community of preteens in your ministry. This game is aimed at doing just that! Every preteen in your group, whether well-known or new, has things about him or her that nobody in your group knows, and which are unique to them. This is their “secret identity”.

On today’s podcast, you’ll hear how to play this game, and how this game can help you to connect “fringe preteens” to your ministry group.

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Jan 21, 2016

At camp, there are plenty of opportunities for preteens to miss their homes. When mail from home is being handed out to campers, this can be a moment when many preteens can feel very homesick.

On Thursdays from now until summer, we’ll be sharing ideas with you about how to have an AMAZING camp for preteens. Today, Sean talks about a strategy for handling mail from home to lessen the potential for homesickness.

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Jan 20, 2016

Today Sean shares his top 6 ways of helping preteens memorize scripture:

  1. In your services, use a song like those by Seeds Family Music or JumpStart3 as either a worship song, an intro video, and/or transition music.
  2. Write each word of a memory verse on balloons (one word per balloon). Have a student hold each balloon in the proper order and have everybody read the scripture. Then pop one of the balloons and have everybody say the scripture again, included the missing word. Continue to pop balloons and restate the verse until everybody is saying the verse without any balloons to help.
  3. Put together an entire month-long experience/series using a single verse that the students learn as part of the series.
  4. Introduce your students (and their parents) to a tool like Fighter Verses or the FV App.
  5. Involve the students in a scripture passage, in ways like those discussed here.
  6. Borrowing an idea from Chip Henderson’s 12 by 12 program, Sean has introduced a game where students move on a game board each time they memorize a scripture:
  • Memorize Psalm 139:14 and receive a small prize of your choice from Treasure Box A.
  • Memorize Isaiah 41:10 and receive a small prize of your choice from Treasure Box A.
  • Memorize 1 Timothy 4:12 and a leader from Elevate will take you to Jamba Juice or Ice Cream.
  • Memorize James 1:12-15 and receive a medium prize of your choice from Treasure Box B.
  • Memorize Ephesians 6:13-17 and receive a medium prize of your choice from Treasure Box B
  • Memorize Philippians 2:1-4 and a leader from Elevate will bring lunch from a place of your choice to your school.
  • Memorize Psalm 1 or Psalm 8 and receive a large prize of your choice from Treasure Box C.
  • Memorize Psalm 23 and receive a large prize of your choice from Treasure Box C.
  • Memorize Psalm 100 and receive an activity of your choice from Golf Land (go-carts, lazer tag, or mini golf).
  • Memorize 1 Corinthians 13 and receive an XL prize of your choice from Treasure Box D.
  • Memorize Romans 12:1-10 and receive an XL prize of your choice from Treasure Box D.
  • Memorize Romans 12 and receive an all-expense paid trip to Six Flags.


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Jan 19, 2016

Katie Gerber from Maryland shares a great event idea that she has done every February for over a decade: Extraordinary Love.

This is not only an event, but a service project for her preteens that serves senior citizens at her church.

If you have any questions about the event, Katie would love to hear from you:

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Jan 18, 2016

What happens to a lesson, a series, a camp theme, or an event when it’s over? Do you get rid of it? Or do you repeat it every two years for the rest of your life?

There is a part of us that wants new and shiny things in our ministry constantly. There is another part of us that wants to avoid work, and to avoid recreating the wheel each week.

Today on the podcast, Sean talks about an important strategy to doing ministry long-term: Don’t Scrap It…Improve It!

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Jan 14, 2016

At camp, one of the most dreaded times is when everybody is gathering and waiting for the rest of the campers to show up. This is when rocks get thrown or rumors get started. This is when kids realize that they are homesick, and when leaders do, too.

These gathering times are an opportunity that are often overlooked at many camps. But no longer!!!!

On Thursdays from now until summer, we’ll be sharing ideas with you about how to have an AMAZING camp for preteens. Today, Sean and Seth (Elevate Camp’s Activities Director) talk about what to do so that gathering times at camp go from times of ho-hum horseplay to times that the campers actually look forward to.

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