Today on the podcast, Sean talks about a teaching method he learned when he was a public school teacher.
This is a strategy which will help you to “let go of the bike and run alongside”:
Step 1: I do, you watch.
Step 2: I do, you help. In this step we are still doing but allowing the preteens to step in and help us do those things.
Step 3: you do, I help. As an example, a capable adult leader sits in the tech booth with two preteens who are learning to run the tech booth. They are running the tech booth and the leader is helping THEM to do it.
Step 4: you do, I watch. This brings us to the goal of letting them do on their own.
Hopefully these steps will help you to see where you are in your ministry. If you are stuck in step 1 you may not be at the full preteen potential. As ministry leaders, we can move our preteens forward. We can help them as they are taking ownership of their faith and walk with God.
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