Today on the podcast, Sean discusses the idea of using the authority you have been given in your ministry to encourage and build up others.
Most of us would prefer to shy away from confronting someone because we don’t like confrontation. That is one of the hardest parts of our position as authorities in our ministries. Instead we need to look at this opportunity as a means of building up others in a loving manner not a confrontational manner. Sean discusses the idea of wasting our authority if we do not use it to encourage others. If we are not bringing about change to the environment of our ministries so others can perceive and respond to God, the authority granted us is wasted. Sean encourages us to think about a preteen with a behavior problem or leader that we can confront in a loving manner that would bring about change. Always remember you have been placed in this authority role, so use that authority in a loving way to make your ministry a positive place where people can see and respond to God.
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