Over time, you CAN create a safe space where preteens feel compelled to freely worship through singing. Do you think 1 Chronicles 16:23 (“sing to the LORD, all the earth”) is just a suggestion? Worship is central to the tenants of the Bible – worship should be a central theme for our preteen ministries. And God’s heart is to hear us worship in SONG:
“Sing praises to God, sing praises! Sing praises to our King, sing praises!” –Psalm 47:6
Today on the podcast, Sean talks about some conversations that you can have to help move your group toward being a group that worships. By having many small conversations, over time, you can create a culture of worship.
Affirm the people that ARE worshipping.
With your leaders, discuss the importance of setting an example of worshipping
ASK people that aren’t worshipping to explain why they aren’t
What are your biggest challenges to creating a culture of worship? Let us know in the comment section below!
Have a question about preteen ministry or a unique preteen ministry idea that we can feature on our podcast? Send it to podcast@fourfivesix.org. Looking for a great community of preteen leaders that you can plug into? Join us at http://fourfivesix.org/.